Hmmm...totally letting go and exploring free will. How far I have come, then wham a slip up by just human contact. I'm simply amazed how fast another human being can touch our psyche and disturb, rattle, or humble our thought pattern. Yes, I have to give credit to the growth that has been estabished in two years of healing. Yes, I thank my family and friends who have noticed this growth and have accepted the person who has arisen from the cocoon of painful emergence. How wonderful to think I never have to return to this cocoon. I'm free to be me, to experience these moments of laughter and pain, to cry and laugh with total abandon if I thus desire. Even knowing that the search for true companionship and understanding is a whimsical journey leading to some days of frustration, I still allow my soul that strength and joy to continue the journey and enjoy the progress along the way. Lessons to learn, people to love, pain to be felt. My physical brain still slips and spouts causing reactions from others. But maybe I was meant to rattle some cages and perhaps I was meant to touch lives in some manner of being. As long as I share unconditional love also, allowing them total free will healing will occur. I'm trying to just allow others to be. Healing continues...