"The Pearl Diver"
A movie that touched my heart. Our loved ones touch our lives so deeply. I know in my heart that it is destiny that brothers, sisters, moms, and dads are given to one another. To love, to sustain, to grieve, to laugh, to exist. My brothers have touched my life from the moment they were born. Their smiles, their boyish ways, following their big sister around and pestering her to death. Torturing my dolls, chasing me around the farm, play acting on huge wood platforms in the hot summer sun, riding horses till we were exhausted, and oh the joy of swimming in the muddy Big Sandy creek. Tons of turtles, catfish, crawdads and we could have cared less as we swam with mother earth's creatures. Mom filled our days with play, good food, and inspiration. Father he was a God in our eyes. A silent man lost in thought but so sweet and gentle. How I wanted to know those thoughts that wandered through his head. But we were raised in a time that feelings, emotions, thoughts ... they were pushed back. Dealt with through silence. Dad seemed to be this old, wise soul in a long skinny body who seemed to mourn his youth. So handsome, so distant. Mom she was such a balance point for us. She always filled our days with laughter (or yelling as needed...we were quite the stinkers at times).
In the pearl diver two sisters deal with the death of their mom, a very sad death... a horrible death. They lose themselves trying to figure out what life has dealt them. Through dad's death I knew how deeply I truly needed my brothers. Their strength, their quiet wisdom, and yes even their smart ass comments. For laughter heals all things. Big sis can be way to serious at times. I have watched my brothers love my children, my beautiful children, loved my husband just like a brother. We have made it through so much. We will make it through this too. Forgiving, being the best we can be for life is short and you never know what will sail around the corner at you. Everyone deals with life in their own way, with contemplation perhaps tucking pain away, but perhaps also trying to heal.
We all carry our own vision of the world, that world can overwhelm us as we desperately try to make sense of the crap that appears. Trying to watch the words that tumble out, thinking of others before self centered crap arises....it's all part of being so human. Searching for love and understanding and along the way trying to be a good person. People enter your life and one soaks them up wondering what tidbit is being deposited into your heart from these wonderful souls but meanwhile your loved ones are constantly there, never turning away, just always there.
I love you and I thank you
Mom and dad (up in heaven)
Aaron and Shawwna
George and Nancy
Jason and Laura